Gréta Kristín Ómarsdóttir
- Master of Arts (Theatre and Drama) 2023
- +3548469216

Gréta is a queer Icelandic theatre director and queer & feminist theory lecturer at Iceland
University of the Arts. She has directed 10 professional productions in all major theatres of Iceland as well as in independent groups, mainly Stertabenda/Perplex which she founded in 2016. Gréta was a dramaturg and advisor for artistic committees at The National Theatre of Iceland (NTI) and 2020-2022 she was Artistic Director of two spaces at NTI, both focused on marginalised forms, artists and communities. In her MA studies, she researched ways to shift hegemonic structures of theatre institutions, self-aware and value aligned leadership along with queer methods and aesthetics.
Professional dream
I wholeheartedly believe that theatre can change the world if we want it to, and I am
committed to make it happen.
Language skills
- Icelandic (native)
- Danish (good)
- Swedish (elementary skills)
Artistic section
Neptune by Vera Boitcova 2023
Production: University of the Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy
Written section
Why we bow – an autothesis
Other education
BA of Arts, Iceland University of the Arts, 2016
Studies in Comparative Literature, University of Iceland 2012-2013
Studies in Gender Studies (MA), University of Iceland 2011-2013
Work samples
Góðan daginn, faggi – one man autobiographical musical 2021
Stertabenda Production. Composer: Axel Ingi Árnason, Performer: Bjarni Snæbjörnsson
Production: The National Theatre of Iceland (collaborator)
Role: Writer and Director
Bæng! by Marius von Mayenburg 2018
Cast: Björn Thors, Brynhildur Guðjónsdóttir, Katrín Halldóra, Halldór Gylfason, Hjörtur
Jóhann, Davíð Þór Katrínarson
Production: The Reykjavík City Theatre
Role: Director
Insomnia by Amalie Olesen & Stertabenda 2019
Production: Stertabenda
Role: Director
Die Schöne Müllerin – not a word about my sad face (drag opera) 2020
Tenor/Performer: Sven Dúa Hjörleifsson
Pianist: Tómas Guðni Eggertsson
Performer: Jenny Purr
Production: Tjarnarbíó Theatre Reykjavík
Role: Director
Perplexed by Marius von Mayenburg 2016
Stertabenda production
Production: The National Theatre of Iceland (collaborator)
Role: Script adaptation and Director