Paula Nousiainen

  • Bachelor of Arts (Dance) 2023


Paula Nousiainen’s art is a mixture of dance, choreography, visual arts, fashion design, pop culture studies and alter egos. He likes to think his artistry and practice as a way to study his own identity, and find ways to relate to the world in original ways. In her work, Nousianen finds enjoyment important. 

Nousiainen works with dreams, nightmares, sex, sexuality, alter egos, identity and desire. His works can be anything from a stage piece to a random instagram video. The key point in her practice is to be intoxicated of herself in the most self loving way.  

Nousiainen gratuated from Theater Academy (dance BA) 2023, Helsinki. She also did some elective studies in Aalto university’s costume design department. Before this, he has graduated as a dancer, from vocational school of Riveria, in Outokumpu (2019).

* Because of Paula Nousiainen’s post-gender identity, this biography is written using multiple pronouns (he/she/they). Don’t be confused lovers. <3