Inka Auvinen
- Tanssijantaiteen maisteriopiskelija, aloitusvuosi 2023

Inka Auvinen is a Finnish performer and dancer from Brussels, Belgium. In spring 2021, they graduated from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance (London) with a bachelor’s degree in Contemporary Dance. They completed the Dart DSP programme (Berlin) and are now doing their masters in Dance Performance at the Theatre Academy (Helsinki). They have worked with choreographers such as Blenard Azizaj, Anton Lachky and Fabio Liberti. Their piece In0leum, a duet choreographed and performed together with Sointu Saraste and created through a cross-disciplinary working group (incl. Risto Temonen and Tilda Wallius) has taken place in various sites, festivals and events.
Inka is interested in tenderness: its place in dance and performance but also as a more comprehensive response to the worrying world.