Asko Halonen


Year of birth: 1998


Halonen is a theatre maker who has spent a lot of time on the internet. Their current interests are in exploring dramaturgies and working methods that reflect an online logic.

Halonen is inspired by comedy and so called stupid ideas. With influences from obscure online meme cultures, they have taken a special interest in physical comedy and clowning in a broad sense of the term.

Having spent a year in Ecole Philippe Gaulier, Halonen approaches theatre from a point of view of play and games. They hope to spread this playful spirit through their works.

Language skills

  • Finnish (mother tongue)
  • English (excellent)
  • French (excellent)

Thesis project

Artistic work

Role: director/dramaturg

Written component

Leikki, kietoutuminen ja sabotaasi – Eli suomeksi: ’Did I mention I went to France?’

Other education

Ecole Philippe Gaulier – Year Programme 2022-23